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Civility is associated with the conduct that involves responsibility, mutual respect and patience in the human environment. However, very frequently people in their work places focus on their activities and forget about the professional etiquette and civility. This problem is particularly common in the companies involved with services. According to a survey of KRC Research, about 65% of American citizens consider incivility a major issue. Many employees leave their jobs due to improper conduct in their work places. For these reasons it is very important to invest in professional training of personnel and develop civility traits necessary for business etiquette (Stanyon, n.d.). This article review will give summary of the article written by the Professional Image Consultant Dawn Stanyon. It will also explain how to apply the information given in the article.

The Major Civility Traits for Employees

The article written by Dawn Stanyon describes five major civility traits that are important for professional development. They include the following:

  1. Employee’s awareness of his or her communication strengths and weakness;
  2. Wise use of technological devices;
  3. Observation of the time appointed for meeting;
  4. Taking responsibility for mistakes and offering proper solutions;
  5. Showing a respect and consideration toward the customer or other participant by focusing on conversation.

The first action for employees suggested by the professional image consultant is to learn of personal communication strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge can help in building a better communication. Dan Stanyon explains it, “Most incivility occurs due to differences in communication and learning styles” (n.d.). Disc Personality Survey and couching may help an employee to evaluate his strengths and weaknesses. To enhance the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses it is important to be persistent in practicing communication skills and building relationships.

  • When using technological devices, such as cell phones, it is necessary to learn not to respond to phone calls. Instead, it is better to switch it off, and focus on communication with a customer or other participant.
  • Observing the time of the appointment is showing to the participant that he or she is important and appreciated.
  • Thoughtful planning of the schedule can help to be on time. It is also wise to tell the person in advance regarding the timing of the next appointment.
  • Taking responsibility for mistakes is not always easy, but there is strength in acknowledging failures. It helps to preserve relationships and ongoing communication. In this case it is also possible to get a solution.
  • Every customer appreciates when he or she is given a careful attention. Thus, the customer or participant feels respect and consideration, and is more open for further communication and relationship.


Five major civility traits suggested by Dan Stanyon in her article are very helpful for professional development of employees. However, these suggestions can become really helpful when they are internalized by a person through the ongoing practice. The mistakes made during the practice should not be taken as a failure, but rather shall be acknowledged. This will give freedom, and help to make the necessary corrections and strengthen communication skills.

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