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Article Review Summary

The diversity of articles covering the topic of management includes a variety of those, taking into account motivation as an engine of the company’s performance. Quratul-Ain Manzoor is an author of the article “Impact of Employees Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness”, published in Business Management and Strategy journal in 2012. In the article, the connection between motivational factors and organizational effectiveness is explored (Manzoor, 2012). The article review has an aim to become a supporting element of the processes running within the company, helping to maintain balance between labor inputs and performance results. An important aspect in the selection of the article is that it focuses on the deep literature review, which reflects on the importance of penetrating company’s activity with motivation, as long as it has a positive impact on the level of profits and overall productivity. The article also reflects on the importance of empowerment and recognition in the motivational system of the company. It also discusses the organizational effectiveness as a target of the company’s efforts, aimed to increase employees’ input in achieving success. In addition, it contributes to the establishment of an effective motivational system with basic elements.


  • The article has several sections, which help the reader accept information in a systematic way. Introduction of the article reflects on the role of motivation in the performance of the company. It includes reasons explaining the importance of establishing a system of motivation, allowing employees to improve their personal skills and work on their professionalism. Introduction drives attention of the reader to the effectiveness of implementation of the motivational policy. It mentions motivation as one of the main competitive advantages of the company, striving to achieve success. In general, introduction explains that the article focuses on helping the reader create a systematic approach towards implementation of the policy, encouraging employees to contribute to the overall welfare. In addition, introduction helps to understand that motivation has an effect on the organizational effectiveness.
  • The second section includes a literature review. It is important to conduct a comprehensive research, which focuses not only on personal investigation, but also on information gathered from reliable sources by other authors. The section has a concept of starting from smaller elements, coming to bigger ones. For example, the first paragraph of the section provides the reader with the meaning of motive. It explains the meaning of the engine, which launches the whole mechanism of the motivational policy. Further, the author compares definitions of motivation given by different authors, in order to have a personal vision towards understanding the concept. The diversity of definitions helps to understand the nature of motivation and its main aspects of influence. This part of the article has sub-headings. The first sub-heading touches upon employee motivation. It discusses the main elements of motivation in brief and provides the reader with a simplified version of motivation, which allows understanding the motivation building process. However, the section mentions that the focus of the article is employee motivation, which has the most significant influence on the company performance. The article also discusses organizational effectiveness, which becomes the core of the motivational impact. It is a mandatory element of the article, building perception of the whole system, involving motivation and organizational effectiveness. Explanation of the concept intensifies understanding of the touching points between motivation and organizational effectiveness. The next sub-heading of the section discusses the factors affecting employees’ motivation. It includes such factors as money, leadership, reward, and empowerment, as the basic elements of the motivation, which formulate competitive benefits of the company by meeting employees’ requirements. Finally, the section summarizes the main elements in the form of a theoretical framework, which allows the reader to choose the ways of company’s development in the segment of motivation and organizational effectiveness.
  • The third section is the core of the article. It is the main objective, which includes a detailed structure of the motivational model. The model presented in this section includes empowerment, recognition and organizational effectiveness. The third section is a transition link to the investigation of the elements presented in the fourth section of the model. It finishes by mentioning three hypothesis statements, which formulate the basement of the research. The fourth section, in its turn, studies recognition and employee motivation. It mentions recognition and reward, as basic elements of the motivational policy. There is a significant support of the literature review, which helps to see the evidence of the importance of different elements, building the core of the motivational policy. Literature review supports the idea that motivation and recognition have a link, which formulates efficiency of the policy implemented by the company. The next point of the article discusses empowerment as a separate element of the effective motivational policy. The author follows the tradition of explaining the meaning of the concept, supporting it with definitions from different sources. It focuses on the impact of empowerment on employees and its place in motivational system. Finally, the author takes into account the integration of empowerment and organizational effectiveness. It proves that employee satisfaction has a direct influence on the performance of the whole team and company’s welfare in general. It is necessary to mention that the author included information about different leadership styles, which help to crisscross the significance of motivation and organizational effectiveness. As a result, the author summarizes the result, which companies should strive to achieve in order to become prosperous and continue their development within the market.

In conclusion, the author focuses on recognition and empowerment, which becomes the basement of the motivational policy, according to his point of view. The author’s opinion has a support from literature review and various studies, which formulate the perception of motivation. In general, the article reflected the significant role of every process, running within the company’s performance area. It proves that a company is a mechanism built upon various processes, which cannot run separately. Motivation is an engine of the company’s performance, as long as it encourages all employees to strive for success (Lunenberg, 2011).

Application of Textbook Concepts

The article fits the course of management in different aspects. First, it discusses two main elements discussed in the textbook, including motivation and organizational effectiveness. These two elements build the core of the company’s performance and attract attention of any reader, willing to study the depths of management. Motivation is a point of the article, which builds the whole research. It matches the information presented in the textbook and supports the idea of building the company performance, involving a strong motivational policy. Another touching point is that the author of the article considers motivation as a tool, which can create a wide range of competitive benefits and help to retain employees. Those, who have already taken into account information given in the textbook, understand that motivation pushes the company to the new level of development. The textbook also mentions that it is important to meet the requirements of the employees and enhance the level of job satisfaction, which will encourage expanding the boundaries and reach a new level of success.

In general, it is possible to build a comprehensive approach towards understanding the role of motivation in the system of organizational management. The article represents a model of the information given in the textbook. For example, it mentions different categories of motivation, which help to build a system of satisfying employees’ needs. Recognition, reward, empowerment and various benefits offered by the company formulate the basement of the motivation. The article takes into account every element and explains its significance to the importance of the motivational system. It is obvious that the article is the model of the information presented in the textbook. It summarizes the information learnt by means of the educational process in the prospect of motivation. It is possible to envision the article as a guide towards understanding and implementation of the motivational tool within any company. The main aim of the article is to help the reader understand the main concept of motivation. A textbook can become an additional source, helping to enrich knowledge on different aspects of management, including motivation.

Organizational effectiveness is another significant point in the theoretical basement of both article and segments of the textbook dedicated to motivation. The reader can increase his/ her knowledge about motivation based on the platform of organizational effectiveness (Solanki, 2013). Both article and textbook penetrate the reader’s minds with an approach towards understanding the link between the company’s performance and employee satisfaction. In addition, different details help to see the roots of motivation, employees’ performance conditions and reward system (Judge, Piccolo, Podsakoff, Shaw, & Rich, 2010). However, it is the reader’s choice to take into account the most appropriate point of view, which will create the diversity of competitive benefits for the company. The company can choose any platform for the development of the motivational system, according to its needs. Textbook can widen the vision of management aspects along with motivation. It can teach how to encourage employees to contribute to the success of the company through the lens of personal achievements. The article is a narrow representation of the textbook’s segment dedicated to the employee’s satisfaction, organizational effectiveness and the company’s growth. Finally, the article can help the reader to make conclusions regarding the profile of the development, according to the motivational tools mentioned in the text.

For example, an effective reward system can help any manager build a fair system of rewards measuring employees’ success and contributions to the company. It means that all employees will have the same rules of the performance and will follow standards ensuring them in satisfying their needs (Hussain, 2011). The textbook also supports the idea that reward can become a boost of the employee’s activity, which will have a positive impact on the company’s performance. It is the reader’s choice to learn more about the most attractive element and think about the way of its implementation.

Another common point between the article and the textbook is empowerment. The article provides the reader with the narrow representation of information regarding this type of motivation. However, it has enough information to attract attention of the reader by explaining its place and role in the system aimed to encourage employees increase the intensity of their performance. The textbook includes the same idea with an extended version regarding empowerment and its role in satisfying the needs of employees.


In conclusion, it is obvious that both the article and textbook include enough information to build a comprehensive approach towards understanding and implementation of the motivational system. The reviewed article and textbook have the same approach towards an explanation of the main management aspects. Finally, the reader can learn information presented in the article and extend it by means of reading about the same aspect in the textbook.

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