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Students often ask questions like, “What is an article review?” and “Could somebody provide me with a review article definition?” Writing a review article can be a daunting task if you do not know how to do an article review. One of the problems is that while high school teachers assign a lot of assignments that require students to summarize a reading, they do not teach them specifically how to write an article review. As a result, when they get to college they think the article review format consists of a simple summary as well. However, in reality it involves much more than that. A review article requires you to assess a research paper and discuss whether the author succeeded in carrying out the project. This means thinking critically and using logic as you write the research article review, not merely expressing an opinion without any basis.
Although writing an article review is more than just summarizing the article, those who know how to write a review article understand that a summary is nonetheless one of the components since you cannot assume that every reader is familiar with that particular article. After you have summarized the content, you will assess the importance or relevance of the article. You might ask questions like “Is it well written?” “Does it make a significant contribution to the field?” You will finish the scientific review article by making conclusions and offering recommendations for how it can be improved. If you are unfamiliar with the review article format, you can take a look at an example of an article review to get you started.
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Types of Review Articles
There are many different types of review articles, although the most common are related to scientific research. Whether you are writing an article forge review, term article review, or peer review article, they all service the same purpose, which is something you will notice if you read a sample of an article review. If you are a scholar, researcher or student, an article review gives you a chance to look at research written by experts in your field. If you are hoping to get your research article published, it needs to be reviewed in order to ensure that it is clear, original, and makes a genuine contribution. Those who know how to write a review article recognize that it requires a lot of deep analysis and evaluation.
Formatting an Article Review
Whenever you read a review article example, you will notice that it is always properly cited according to specific guidelines. The most common formatting styles are APA, MLA, Harvard and Chicago/Turabian. The one that you will use typically depends on your professor or college’s preferences.
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The Pre-Writing Process
When you have been assigned an article review, do not simply jump into it. It is important that you organize it properly before you start typing the paper. The best way to achieve this is by creating an outline. This will ensure that your paper stays focused throughout. Read through the article several times and write down some of the important facts and findings and, if applicable, contradictions. Also take note of any strengths and weaknesses. As with any type of writing assignment, you will also include a conclusion. As you proceed with the outline, write a word, sentence or phrase that best sums up all of the parts of the paper including the introduction, body and conclusion. Take a look at an article review example and notice the way it is structured and use it as a model.
How to Write an Article Review: The Writing Process
Now that you have a better idea about how to write an article review outline, let us discuss the process of writing the full paper. You would benefit from looking at a sample article review or two in order to understand it better. Here are the steps to finishing the paper.
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- Summarize the Article
As you write the summary, inform the reader about any important facts or findings of the article. Make sure to include the conclusions that the author reached.
- Critique the Article
During the prewriting stage you thought about the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Now you will present them. In addition, you will also bring up any gaps or contradictions that you came across. You will take a position either supporting the author’s point of view or arguing against it. Either way, it is not enough to base your opinion on a hunch. You will need to use solid facts based on authoritative sources in addition to utilizing relevant theories. Write the Conclusion
Your conclusion will sum up all of the main points once last time along with your findings and critique. You will also critique the methodology, results, and conclusion of the article. Finally, you will provide recommendations for making the research stronger in the future.
- Final Pointers
The only way to support your arguments is by presenting evidence from sources. Of course, make sure to properly cite your sources so that you avoid plagiarism issues. Using direct quotes is the most effective way to make a point, but do not overdo it. You want to devote as much of the paper to analyzing the article using your logic and critical thinking skills. Proofread and edit your paper and when possible ask somebody else to read your paper to gauge its quality.
Article Review Example
Are you in need of a custom article review example? If you are still asking yourself, “What is a review article?” The academic writing service bestessayservice.org is ready to assist! For a reasonable price, you can hire a professional expert to craft a made-from-scratch article review sample that gets you a good grade. In addition to our writing services, we can also proofread and edit your papers. With bestessayservice.org by your side, it has never been easier to get access to custom, high-quality academic content!