From the first days of college or university life, students worry about the research paper topics they will be assigned. They get prepared to the multiple writing assignments they are going to get almost in every discipline. Since research paper writing is considered to be one of the toughest, it is essential that a student knows how to organize the paper properly and ensure coherence and logical connection between different ideas. Moreover, it is critical to discuss a specific topic from the modern perspective and make research paper writing interesting and appealing. If you feel that you cannot come up with a creative and interesting topic for your research paper, you are now at the right place. Our company’s writers have prepared more than 150 research paper topics in different disciplines so that you will easily choose the one that matches your requirements and needs.
Research Paper Topics for College and University Students
World History Research Paper Topics
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- How has the abolition in the USA impacted development in the country?
- What role did the Catholic Church have in the lives of people of Medieval Europe?
- How do the pandemics affect the world?
- What diseases were spread in the process of South America colonization?
- Investigate the logical connection between World War I and World War II in terms of cause-and-effect analysis.
- What is the impact of religions on people globally?
- How did the ancient battles impact the formation of the modern world?
- Explore the reasons of apartheid in South Africa.
- Investigate the interconnection between the Roman, Greek, and Egyptian cultures.
- Why did the Roman Empire fall? What are the general reasons why empires do not last long?
- What was the greatest contribution to the development of the Roman Empire?
- The most significant events in the history of development of the Ottoman Empire.
- Do you agree that World War II could have been avoided? What should have been done in that case?
- The reasons and motifs behind constructing the Great Wall of China.
- The role of the American Civil War in shaping the country’s history.
- Investigate a few aspects how World War II has changed the world.
- Do you agree that space investigation is beneficial for the development of the human race?
- Explore how the Great Fire of London changed the life of the British.
- Discuss five interesting facts about the Ottoman Empire.
- What additional jobs came about with the beginning of World War I?
- How has the USA become one of the most influential countries in the world?
- How has the World War II changed the world and lifestyle?
- Investigate the reasons why the bombing of Hiroshima occurred.
- What are the lessons that can be learned from the Second World War?
- What is the biggest contribution of scientists that you can personally outline?
Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics
- Do you consider it fair that only few women are sentenced to corporal punishment?
- Investigate how has the forensics developed due to the technological advancements?
- Do you agree that identity theft has reached its alarming rates?
- Discuss and analyze the principles of parental abduction laws.
- What is peculiar about the Harm Principle?
- How to ensure proper gun control?
- What main categories of serial killers can you identify?
- Do you believe that the real Jack the Ripper was caught?
- What are the cases when distributive justice is recommended for criminal justice?
- How can crime theory be applied to the analysis of social structures?
- Discuss mass incarceration in terms of appropriateness of social control.
- The connection between criminal justice and social anthropology.
- The causes and effects of white collar crimes.
- How can the problem of abandoned people be solved via concepts of social ecology?
- The concept of guilt society. How is the mind of such people controlled?
- What are the most remarkable forensic discoveries that have been recently made?
- The connection between the technology development and forensics.
- How to prevent juvenile crimes?
- Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a forensic pathologist.
- Are crimes and people’s age related? In what way? What do the statistics show?
- In what type of families do crimes occur the most frequently?
- Discuss and analyze some of the most widespread delinquency programs.
- What is the connection between the employment status and crimes?
- The importance of forensic science.
- How are juvenile courts different from the ordinary ones?
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Religion Research Paper Topics
- Should religion play a critical role in arrangement of marriages?
- Does religion have the right to eradicate the concept of homosexuality and LGBT communities?
- Why is religion a frequent cause of different kinds of discrimination?
- How far do you agree that Christianity is the most influential religion in the world?
- What is the difference between faith and religion?
- Why do different religions in the world have different and even opposing opinions on same-sex marriages, family life, and abortions?
- What opinion do you hold about atheism? How can it be analyzed from the psychological perspective?
- Your opinion on priests’ sexual abuse involving young children. Why is this trend happening and how can it be eradicated?
- Share your ideas and reflect on your standpoint concerning Satanism.
- Should religion and the government be separated?
- Discuss and analyze the theory of Christian creationism.
- What Buddhist sects are the most popular in the world?
- What Christian sects do you know? What makes them different from full-fledged religions?
- Do you believe that Cosmology has the right to be regarded as a plausible theory?
- What pagan cults can be evident in the modern religions?
- How are religion and poverty interconnected?
- Do you believe that there are cases when abortion may be ethically and morally acceptable in terms of religion?
- Do you view religious people as truly happy in the modern world?
- Do you agree that such anti-religions as Satanism may pose a threat to the society?
- What religious threats are there nowadays that stand in the way of separation the church and the state?
- Why is there a need to have different religions?
- What is the most important for you out of these three concepts: meditation, ceremonies and rituals, or religion?
- Your position on the notion of divinity and divine beings.
- Can a religious person achieve success in the materialistic world?
- Do you believe that there is a strong connection between politics and religion?
Music Research Paper Topics
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- Investigate the most popular music genres among the numerous ones that exist in the modern world. Which of them do you like most? Why? Try to be objective in your discussion and analysis as to why you consider specific genres as the most important ones.
- The positive impacts of music on the brain. Which music genres prove to be the most favorable? In what ways can music be used for the brain development process?
- Discuss the history of music. What stages and epochs has music undergone to arrive at where it is now? Present a logical and concise map of the most significant musical periods.
- Investigate music from the perspective of psychology. What benefits does it present for the proper cognitive, mental, and emotional development?
- Musicology – the science of music. What aspects of music does it explore and in what settings can it be used?
- The role of music in advertisements. In your opinion, what are the criteria that specific music is chosen for commercials? What draws your attention when you watch the commercials?
- How can music be used with benefit for the educational process? How to apply music for different educational needs depending on children’s age?
- The main concepts and fundamentals of music theory.
- What is music therapy? In what cases may it be used?
- What are the most famous musicians for you personally? Who has shaped your taste in music?
- What differentiates classical music from the rest of the genres? What makes music classical?
- Choose a specific music era and identify who the most remarkable and impressive musicians were.
- How has music affected the evolution of dance?
- What is needed for a person to become a true musical professional?
- What is the impact of music on physical health?
- What specific genres of music are popular among women and men? How does gender influence the choice of music?
- Choose your favorite vocal performance and analyze it according to 3-5 criteria.
- How does biology explain the phenomenon of human voice?
- What is the interconnection between music and society? Is it the society that influences music or vice versa?
- Investigate the popularity of specific soundtracks based on the example of your favorite movie.
- Can music be used as a soothing and relaxation tool for patients suffering from mental illnesses?
- What stays behind the popularity of the most famous and widely used musical instruments?
- Can an unborn child differentiate sounds and hear music?
- Can music be used as a tool for teaching children with disabilities?
- What music styles have evolved after World War II?
Food Research Paper Topics
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- Eating disorders: anorexia nervosa. What are the causes? What difficulties are encountered when tackling the disease? What specialists should be involved in the process of treating the illness?
- The role of antioxidants.
- The history of corn popularity. How has it become so commonly used?
- The body mass index: why should it be considered and what it signifies?
- The positive and negative influence of caffeine. Why do there exist contrary opinions on the coffee intake?
- The popularity of tea and its characteristics.
- What fool allergies do you know? Why and when are they caused? How to deal with them?
- Why has alcohol appeared to play the role it does in the modern society? Why do you believe so many people are addicted to alcohol?
- The role of FDA in promoting food safety. Share your personal experience: do you pay attention to the ingredients of food you buy?
- How can eating behaviors be analyzed from the perspective of psychology?
- Veganism and vegetarianism: what are the differences? Analyze their pros and cons.
- What nutritional supplements should be regularly controlled?
- The popularity of organic foods. Have organic foods been proved to be better and more nutritional?
- Wine making industry.
- How is weight loss tendency propagated in the media? Does it lead to eating disorders?
- Explore Jewish dietary laws and analyze them.
- Can you classify eating habits into good and bad? What habits would you put into each category?
- What are the basic components of organic foods that make them more nutritious and that save them from hazardous additives?
- Why is so much emphasis and attention placed to organic foods in comparison to inorganic?
- How to avoid obesity in the modern fast-food industry?
- Do you agree that organic farms are a good and beneficial way towards tackling different diseases?
- Do you believe that poor people have the same access to quality foods and good nutritional supplements as the well off?
- What products are leaders in causing obesity?
- How to popularize healthy eating habits among children and teenagers and prevent obesity?
- The pressing problem of obesity in the United States.
US History Research Paper Topics
- Explore the causes and outcomes of the Nat Turner Rebellion. Investigate the conflicts that existed over slavery.
- What decision did Dred Scott make concerning the issue of slavery?
- What were the most significant aspects that led to the conflict between the South and the North within the realm of the Civil War?
- Research the most important facts about the Civil War. Focus on the strengths and weaknesses of each party and analyze how they contributed to the war outcomes.
- What was the contribution of women who participated in the Civil War?
- The reasons why Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. What was its impact on the strive of the Europeans to ignore Confederacy?
- What contribution did African-American soldiers do in the Civil War? Did they face discrimination in the American army?
- Research the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Why was he assassinated? What was the core reason for this operation? Do you believe that this conspiracy is not solved yet?
- The influence of the African-American soldiers on the reconstruction after the Civil War. Pay attention to economic, legal, and social factors.
- What caused the draft riots that took place in New York during the period of the Civil War?
- What caused the westward expansion of the Transcontinental Railroad?
- Choose a specific historical figure and unravel specific myths and legends and compare them with real historical facts.
- Investigate the reasons why immigration occurred in 1800s. How did the immigrants manage to get accustomed to life in the USA?
- The phenomenon of child labor in the 1800s. What were the causing factors?
- The reasons of World War I. How did the USA become involved in the armed conflict? Investigate the aftermaths the war had on the USA.
- Investigate the origins of the term ‘The Gilded Age.’ What does it refer to and how did it originate?
- The impact of the reservation policy on the United States.
- Select one inventor of the 19th century and provide a detailed discussion of what makes him/ her the most remarkable one personally for you.
- What led to the onset of labor unions in the 1800s? Analyze social, philosophic, and economic factors.
- Discuss the process of how a law develops from a bill.
- Provide a discussion of the Tea Act. Why was it important? What did it guarantee?
- Investigate the process how the USA reached its independence. What was the role of the French Alliance?
- Provide a discussion of the significance of The Great Bridge battle. What were the reasons why the Americans won?
- Analyze the history of Thanksgiving Day. Focus on the first thanksgiving that happened in the USA.
- Investigate the role of science in the development of Industrial Revolution.
We truly hope that these good research paper topics provided in this article will help you write an impeccable research paper. Thanks to the creative and original ideas from our company`s writers, you will be able to get an excellent grade for your unique research paper. Remember that you can always count on our help whenever you need professional support and assistance. Our customer support team operates 24/7 and can provide you help with any inquiry you have. Keep in mind that you can cooperate with us whenever you need expert help with academic paper writing. Our writers can cope with any paper type regardless of the paper complexity, paper length, and deadline.