If you have been assigned a capstone project to write but have not decided on the topic yet, please have a look at the capstone project ideas in 2019, which have been carefully devised by our company’s professionals.
What Is a Capstone Project?
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It is recommended for students to have a clear answer to the question, “What is a capstone project?” before actually starting work on this type of paper. So, a capstone project is a kind of academic paperwork that is really extensive in nature as it checks a student’s acquired knowledge of a specific discipline. Moreover, a capstone project demonstrates how well a student can provide findings and analyze them. As you might have already understood, it takes a lot of time and effort for students to cope with this immense task. Usually, it takes from several weeks to several months to manage this academic assignment, so students need to have good time-management skills for the effective and successful completion of the paper. Writing a capstone project requires one to be able to gather credible academic sources and properly analyzing and evaluating them. Still, the very first step that should be taken by a student is related to choosing the best topic from the list of capstone project topics. If you want to choose an interesting topic that would keep your audience alert, have a look at the following topics for capstone project provided by our professional academic writing service:
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IT Capstone Project Ideas
- Discuss what models of economic development may be required for IS (information systems).
- Discuss and analyze the difference between data warehousing, information logistics, and data mining.
- What are the principles of functioning of systems that are recognizing voices?
- Discuss how e-commerce technologies function.
- Why is it important to test software apps and assure quality?
- How to provide the basic security in terms of using data and computer network?
- Enlist the advantages of a car transportation system.
- How to improve cyber security?
- Why are training systems based online important for studying IT?
- What are the potential difficulties and threats with processing confidential information?
Medical Capstone Project Ideas
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- Is plastic surgery a remedy for modern women to be attractive and young?
- Do homeless people have rights to be provided with healthcare insurance?
- Explain why pregnant women are treated differently in hospital units? Why are not they allowed to take the usual medications?
- Do you believe that homeopathy is better than conventional medicine?
- What do you think about medical errors? Who should be held responsible?
- Why do different states have different prices for the healthcare services?
- Discuss the effects of placebo when it comes to treatment of different groups of people.
- Discuss the occurrence of anorexia and bulimia incidents among teenage girls. What are the reasons?
- Should doctors provide treatment to patients without insurance?
- Discuss the deteriorating impact of bad habits on the human body.
Nursing Capstone Project Ideas
- The role of nurses in the modern society: what does the significant lie in?
- What are the core types of nursing and what function do they perform?
- Discuss the main highlights from the history of nursing.
- The main challenges that nurses face in their everyday practice.
- What reasons may a person have to become a nurse? What character traits should one possess in order to be a good nurse and help people in the best way possible?
- The role of nurses in helping children to deal with pain.
- Compare and contrast pediatric nursing with some other type of nursing of your choice.
- Nursing in the geriatric unit.
- Reasons why nursing is not popular in specific countries. In what countries exactly?
- Do you agree that nurses should get a higher remuneration for their services?
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Education Capstone Project Ideas
- Discuss the pros and cons of online and conventional (classroom) studying.
- Should teachers always rely on technological advancements when educating students?
- Should students be allowed to skip lessons of handwriting and merely learn how to type instead?
- Is it a good idea to combine studies and part-time job? Please provide strong arguments.
- How to develop special education for disabled children?
- Discuss why prices for education may vary across the states.
- Is it necessary to have good education to be able to apply for a writer’s position?
- The role of modern education for people from different corners of the world.
- How to eliminate the gap between the poor and rich schools?
Computer Science Capstone Project Ideas
- The principles of how the interface of smart phones is developed. How do software developers make it user-friendly?
- The principles of conducting an online survey or a questionnaire to analyze the information.
- How to create a trustworthy and reliable platform for online studying?
- Is it possible to develop such a computer system that will protect banking operations?
- How secure is it to make online payments?
- Is it possible to maintain privacy when online?
- How to protect your PC and online data from hacking?
- The principles of online payment functioning.
- Ways of recovering information that has been deleted from the personal computer?
- What are the probabilities to provide a secure database for maintaining clients’ privacy online?